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Showing posts from September, 2014

CM 11S (OnePlus One ROM) for Galaxy Nexus (Maguro) with Fancy Kernel Review

Most of you should might have heard about Cyanogen Inc. and their Android custom rom CyanogenMod (CM). Earlier this year Cyanogen partnered with a new Chinese Phone Manufacturer named OnePlus to bring "OnePlus One" Android phone to the market. OnePlus One came pre-loaded with a custom-built firmware from Cyanogen called CM11S. New features and apps remained exclusive to OnePlus One phones until now. XDA member ScardracS has ported CM 11S rom to Samsung Galaxy Nexus (maguro) for many users to try out. I have been using this rom for over a day now. The phone is running smoothly and I haven't experienced any lag so far. The phone boots up quicker than on any other custom roms.   The CM launcher looks similar to the AOSP launcher but has a few more customization options. The launcher performs well and you won't experience any lag when you have lots of apps. It can certainly replace the Google Now Launcher. The extra set of apps that come with CM 11S are ...

Narrate : A Material Design inspired Note Taking app for Android

Narrate is a diary/journal/notes app that has adopted the new Material design guidelines. The app looks great due to material design touches in the UI and the in-app animations.   The app’s home screen has a floating button to  quickly  jot down a note or write a journal. Each note has title followed by the note body itself. A date and time stamp is automatically added to the note  but you can edit them later by tapping on the respective fields. Notes are sorted by their date and you can ‘favorite’ a note either from the...